Greenwashing: green but not ecological marketingDon’t be part of the scam!

Why do they do this? The answer is simple: in order to increase their sales, in the specific case of

companies, or to improve their level of approval among the population.

Basically, organizations break their ethical codes by selling the public a nice idea of ​​corporate social

responsibility without really integrating it into their policies and culture.

Using this technique will not add value to your brand and, instead, can cause severe damage

to your image and make it difficult to achieve your expected objectives.

So, do you want to know more about greenwashing and why you should not fall for it? I recommend

that you keep reading!

How does greenwashing work?

You already know that, when explaining what spain telegram data greenwashing is, we can value it as

a marketing strategy , aimed at attracting and retaining users or, simply, building a better perception

among society or a market niche in which the values ​​of sustainability and environmental care prevail.

To understand it better, we must go into the two classic ways of carrying out this disloyal practice:

1. Attack the subconscious

It is about showing a product or an organization the brand’s popularity is growing in an exponentially

eco-friendly way, when this is not entirely true or, simply, tends to harm the environment, through

aesthetic designs or presentations motivated by nature, in which green tones predominate.

In this way, those who direct the strategy believe they can appropriate an image that subjectively

makes them think that they use sustainable production methods, but the reality is that the truth

usually comes out.

Product images include, for example, disposable coffee cups with messages about environmental care

or green diaper packaging, as Huggies often does. However, in reality, none of these products can be

recycled or biodegraded in the coming years.

2. Highlight valuable innovations for the environment

This method involves making the public cob directory believe that a company is environmentally

responsible by highlighting various innovations based on sustainability, but in reality these do not

exist or represent only a marginal improvement in ecological terms.

They commonly do this by publishing ecological magazines or by advertising in media that are

characterized by being sustainable and defending the principles of environmental care.

Why should your company avoid greenwashing?

As you can see by definition, greenwashing is a false truth and represents an unfair and unethical way

of obtaining potential clients and retaining them.

In addition to avoiding this practice so as not to break moral codes, you should keep in

mind that “lies have short legs ,” as the saying goes. When the truth is discovered, the image of

your brand or products will be damaged.

As a company, you must create a positive image that generates trust, creating a strong bond with

your consumers based on true values ​​and real improvements, plans and principles.

Don’t adopt this strategy!

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