There were no serious problems

As for the employees, with them. Of course, it was not always clear whether a person would suit us or not, so it also happened that we did not guess. A couple of times we had to part with those after a couple of weeks, since their style of communication with people categorically did not coincide with ours. Some were not responsible enough, and their values ​​and goals conflicted with ours. St

I think that we were also saved

From serious mistakes by listening architect database to our clients: both parents and children. Parents wanted the kids to study not only programming or mathematics, but also robotics. I listened to them and started looking for a teacher for this subject. It was difficult to find a suitable person, which is not surprising, because this is a specific course for which there are not many truly good specialists. We also needed new materials and a training program, which we created from scratch specifically for this course.

Since I didn’t have serious problems much capital or investors, and the only budget I used was family, it was hard to get going and create an influx of customers for the new product and website. At the first stages, I turned to friends for help

They set up advertising on Google, Facebook and Yandex

The biggest serious problems challenge we faced was this: when we sent out emails, we didn’t use a dedicated server. Because environmental and energy transition: the central role of data of this, Yandex added us to the list of unreliable sites and didn’t allow us to place our ads. Through friends who worked with Yandex, we aero leads learned the following: the fastest thing we could do was change the domain. It took us about two weeks to solve this problem. Since then, we’ve only used a dedicated server for mailings. atistics show that on average only one person out of ten is suitable for us.

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