Key metrics to know if the customer is satisfied

This is just one of the alternatives. However, there are various strategies that you can apply in your business to build customer loyalty , for example:

  • create a powerful branding strategy that ties your brand values ​​with those your customer stands for;
  • implements cross selling and up selling possibilities and processes ;
  • send exclusive promotions by email;
  • applies discounts for reaching a certain amount in a purchase.

4. Personalize communications

We agree that the new consumer is hungry for usa phone number data  personalized content, right? 

In this sense, it is no longer enough to   create innovative copies; we need to communicate with each of our potential clients directly, appealing to their tastes, interests and needs in an individualized way!

This means that even if we have a single product, the attention and service must be differentiated and specific for each client.

Therefore, a key aspect of customer-oriented marketing is to personalize the experience.

Implementing personalization requires 3 basic actions: 

  • identify your buyer personas;
  • define the channels to use. These can be social networks, advertisements or newsletters ;
  • fine-tune your messages. Use user preferences to show them personalized content across channels and improve engagement.

For example, Spotify adjusts its Email Marketing  what the adequacy decision contains campaigns with its users’ history to send them information about events of their favorite artists, new releases and music related to the music they can’t stop listening to. 

These incredibly targeted emails not only attract clicks, but also manage to create a valuable relationship with their users, who love receiving this type of content.

5. Take care of after-sales service

A key aspect of customer-oriented marketing is after-sales service . In fact, 93% of customers can make repeat purchases with companies that offer excellent customer service according to Hubspot .

And if we take into account that, according to Invesp , investing in new clients is between 5 and 25 times more expensive than retaining existing ones, you will surely want to make sure to engage your current clients as much as possible.

An after-sales service not only gives you the opportunity to strengthen relationships, it also opens a channel where the consumer can express their opinions , valuable information that you can then use to improve your product or service.

5 Metrics to Evaluate Your Customer-Oriented Marketing Strategy

If you want to determine the success of your customer-centric marketing strategy, there are a few metrics you should track to assess how close (or far) you are to fine-tuning your service to create a memorable experience.

Lifetime Value (LTV)

It represents the net value of the income that a client generates for us during the time that they maintain a commercial relationship with our business.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

It shows how much you have invested to attract even one new customer to your business. Contrasting LTV against CAC allows you to identify whether your efforts have brought a positive return to the business.

Return on Investment (ROI)

It allows you to evaluate the profitability of a given investment . It is one of the most powerful metrics in Marketing, as it determines whether actions are bringing real sales opportunities.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

It allows you to know how satisfied your customers are through a simple but effective question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our products/services to a friend?”

Time spent on page

Dwell time is one of the metrics that best reflects the engagement generated by your content. The better the engagement, the more likely you are to convert.

You can analyze this metric precisely in Google Analytics, in the “Behavior” report:


Let’s close with a brief summary of what we learned, shall we?

  • First, implementing a customer-oriented dt leads  marketing strategy is essential to respond to new consumer demands arising from digital transformation.
  • Second, customer-oriented marketing is an approach designed around the needs and interests of the customer. Therefore, it is essential to know who they are, what their needs are, and how we can adjust our product or service to them.
  • Third, interactive content, a secure and usable website, building long-term relationships, personalization and after-sales service are the 5 pillars of a customer-oriented strategy that takes care of the points of interaction throughout the customer journey .
  • Fourth, as with any Digital Marketing strategy, it is crucial to track metrics that help us evaluate whether we are achieving the proposed objectives.

And as a bonus, you can continue learning about customer-centric marketing! In the second issue of our magazine, we discuss Customer Centricity in depth with experts in the sector.

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