More important than experimentation

the experimentation that is published. We have all learned from reading other people and not only that, but also from receiving feedback from other people who experiment.

The most powerful case lately in spain, which is producing and publishing experiments and so on, is that of lino uruñuela.

Yes to experimentation, no to experimenting with those websites that feed you.

how do you see seo in the coming years

The future of seo according to fernando muñoz
i see an evolution in the entire social part and especially the semantic part .

The big challenge will be the ability of any qatar phone number library search engine to respond semantically to certain questions.

Asking about a “restaurant for children” is not the same as asking “how to go to a restaurant for children” or similar cases.

So the fear we have as seos is what happens if google keeps the visit?

This is what is happening for example with the knowledge graph or the featured section.

The fear that i have of traditional seo, let’s put it that way, is the greed that a certain search engine can have in keeping all the traffic it produces.

At a business level, i see it as obvious. I mean, i want you to stay on my page so you can see the ads and be able to make money from that advertising.

At the user level, i am afraid that google’s majority bf leads position will cause search engines to move away from diverting traffic to the final pages, but instead, move towards keeping the traffic for themselves.

These are the questions we what you need to differentiate prepared for our guest.

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