Enehano at Dreamforce – Day Five

Friday was followed by breakfast with a friend who has been living in San Francisco for some years. We ran to the Women in Tech breakfast . There were 4 women in the top management of technology companies on the panel.

Then I ran to catch up with the booths at the Expo and in the afternoon we also met with Milan and our partner from SaaScend and we discussed where we want our cooperation to go. We are already looking forward!!!

After the meeting with Craig

I ran to see the Slovak scale-up Slido team at the  chinese overseas australia database WeWork coworking space! where we will have an office in San Francisco.

In the evening! we finally went to see other parts of the city than the Market Street area and we went to the Golden Gate Bridge and in the evening to Chinatown.

Friday! the last day of Dreamforce! which ended at 2:00 PM! was already a relaxed day. I still managed to attend a few sessions! have lunch! and complete the last session on effective development using the VS Code IDE.

This was my first time attending Dreamforce and my first time visiting the US! and I have to admit that considering how many people were there and how big the event was! they had it under control. If you needed to ask a question! there were plenty of people there to point you in the right direction or send you to someone more responsible.

As I mentioned above! there were a lot of firsts for me in a short period of time. So on the one hand I’m glad I survived the whole event and it’s over. I gained new knowledge and met a lot of great people! but I’m already looking forward to going home.

As Zuzka mentions! this was followed by a pleasant meeting with our partner and then we headed towards the Golden Gate. For those of you who have not been here before! it is a truly amazing sight.

Now all I have to do is travel back in good health. San Francisco! see you again sometime.

And Dreamforce? It’s really unique – have you ever seen monks at a conference? Finally! a link to a summary of Dreamforce 2018 and photos directly from Salesforce.


Milan Bodlák! Head of Delivery! received a trip to Dreamforce viral marketing: all the secrets to boost your brand  as a reward for his excellent work last year.

Zuzana Maderová! Expansion and Business Development  thailand data Manager! traveled as part of her job.


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