Cro – conversion rate source

in this case we can see that both social traffic and traffic received from paid campaigns (adwords) have a conversion capacity lower than the website average.

Especially in the case of adwords campaigns, it is very common to find conversion rates lower than those of organic traffic, even though they are users coming from the same environment: a search performed on google.

This is usually due to having planned

campaigns without taking into account the valuable information that organic traffic can provide.

If, for example, we see that organic traffic is working very well based on long tail terms , it would be advisable to also work along those lines in the adwords campaign.

Obviously, it is not about using the same keywords taiwan phone number library in adwords that are already giving good results in seo, since we would be duplicating our presence unnecessarily; but rather about identifying the success patterns in the sources that have the best results and applying similar patterns in the less successful campaigns.

There are other analyses that

may be relevant in analytics, depending on each case: pages on the site with the highest abandonment rate, most frequent searches ( don’t miss this case in which we detected an interest in a certain brand among users and a particularly high abandonment rate, and after optimizing the content corresponding to that brand, its sales increased by 53%).

We insist that analytics can help us to we are seeing with the knowledge delve into the information with the greatest detail that we need or simply by looking at a couple of main be numbers reports we can detect the problem and start the cro process, it will depend on the characteristics of each case.

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