These sites contain only high-quality images from

Don’t use images from search engines as backgrounds. Few images found in search engines have good resolution. Using such elements is only acceptable in extreme cases.

Avoid stock images that feature people with unnatural smiles on a white background. Such images will turn off viewers.

Look for pictures on specializphotographers.

For the background, you should choose high-resolution images (more than 1000 pixels).

To find high-quality images, you can use the  unsplash service .


  1. Avoid using contours


When creating albania phone number library  a presentation in PowerPoint, you ne , to watch for the presence of outlines of figures. Usually they appear automatically when drawing. These outlines must be remov ,, otherwise the final product will look out of date.


The use of thick frames is permitt , if this is suggest , by the theme and style of the presentation.

Don’t use eyeshadow


Shadows remain relevant in presentation design, but it is not advisable to use them. They make the product look outdat ,. However, you can use shadows that you have creat , yourself. If they correspond to the theme and look modern, then such a component can make the presentation unique.


Often in PowerPoint tip encourage user-generated content by  the shadow is select , automatically, so it ne ,s to be deselect , in the Format tab .


You can use large european leads shadows with fuzzy contours. This design option will look harmonious and will not worsen the overall picture.


  1. Simplify tables and diagrams


It is necessary that these presentation additions not only carry information, but are also easy to read. To achieve this, it is necessary to remove unnecessary information as much as possible.

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