Cross-platform user identification . Even if a user uses a mobile browser, an app, and a browser on a laptop, Google Analytics 4 will identify them as the same user and aggregate the data. This is make possible by identifying them not accurate mobile phone number list through cookies, but through the user_id, device_id, and Google Signals parameters. Now, even if a user first click on an ad in a mobile browser but us a laptop to place an order, Google Analytics 4 will reflect this chain of events, and you will be able to more accurately evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing.
Customization of reports
Previously, Google Analytics users could not adjust the parameters and metrics in standard reports. GA4 allows you to customize template reports and display only those indicators that are really important for analyzing your project.
Google Analytics 4 Opens New Possibilities – Image 1
In addition, Google Analytics can collaboration with influencers be used in emailing? 4 allows you to create custom reports and combine them into collections (a kind of group). In turn, collections can be display in the list of reports on the left, which was also not available before.
Google Analytics 4 Opens New Possibilities
The list of reports is adjust in the Library block. To display the collection in the work area on the left, simply drag the desir group to the life cycle area, adjusting the order of the items if necessary.
Google Analytics 4 Opens New Possibilities – Image 3
Research . A new tool in mobile list Google Analytics that allows you to study data about users and events in more detail. In a sense, research combines the functionality of special reports in Universal Analytics, the Google Ads report designer, and the interface of the former Data Studio (now Looker Studio). When creating a study, you can select the desir parameters and metrics, use different types of visualizations, filter by segment or compare them, create several sheets and thus assemble a dashboard directly in the GA4 interface.