- It’s better to hold the camera closer to your body, not stretching your arms out. This will make you less likely to wobble.
- If you can’t fly, it’s better not to take pictures while moving.
- Periodically change angles, shooting points, plans – then during editing you will have something to choose from.
- Always think about lighting and white balance.
- Try shooting with a “Dutch angle”, at an angle of 20-30 degrees. Even if the person is standing still, it seems like he is moving. If you are email data shooting an object, it is about to fall, roll.
- Symmetry. These videos are eye-catching. If you don’t see anything symmetrical from the start, try creating symmetry yourself. You can either look for the right angle or do it in an editing app.
- Repeating elements and patterns are as much visual magic as symmetry.
What is there to film?
Everything is ready, the light is set up, the applications are downloaded. But there are no ideas. What to do? Copy! To get your hand in place, you will have to surf the net, look for something you like yourself. And repeat, as it turns out)
Musicians play classics, artists make reproductions, and you download TikTok.
Where to find inspiration
- @ballabanov Our favorite mobile director.
- @ivanfromrnd Ambassador of special effects and addictive videos.
- @zachking You’ll probably hang out for the whole evening.
- @arron_crascall This is also funny.
Over time, your style will develop and you will begin to truly enjoy your videos. And you won’t be the only one.
For more complex videos, you can write scripts, tiktok in 9 video tutorials: how to create creatives implement them and feel like a real director on a minimum. Stories are a small action-packed film. And a good film always has a plot, a plot and a denouement.
We don’t work for the desk drawer
Be sure to share your videos with your subscribers, even if you think they are just crap. Often we are far from objective towards ourselves, and external feedback will not let you abandon what you started. Feedback is very important. A common mistake is to fax list think that you can only post your results when they are perfectly good. This feeling will never leave you, and the videos will never see the light of day.
Start simple. Shoot a few simple 3-5 second shots and use any editor to stitch them together into one video. Shoot anywhere and anytime; treat video as part of your life, not your job.