Leverage video hosts instead of YouTube

Video marketing is a very popular tool for capturing leads and closing sales. Tutorial videos can even help streamline the purchasing process by showcasing some of your product’s most compelling features. However, video content can significantly hinder your website if not hosted properly.

In general, it’s not advisable to upload video content directly to your hosting server and run it from your WordPress website. Specialized video hosting platforms use high-bandwidth servers specifically built to do this much more efficiently. You can simply embed video links from your hosting and showcase your best content to website visitors without slowing down performance.

Many web entrepreneurs use YouTube for this purpose

As the largest video hosting provider by far, YouTube phone number lead is reliable, powerful, and free. However, it has significant drawbacks.

The biggest drawback is the fact that YouTube makes money from advertising. This means it uses your video content to drive users away from your domain and onto its own. If customers click through to YouTube from your website, you can be sure you won’t win them back during that session.

Paid video hosting solutions give you a much hong kong phone number greater degree of control over how your video player functions within your website. They can also provide you with specialized marketing data and user statistics that free hosting providers like YouTube typically keep to themselves.

Use popups for upselling

Pop-ups have earned a bad reputation over the 10 tricks to help increase sales from facebook ads years. People associate them with a disruptive user experience that constantly pushes ads to users, preventing them from browsing and shopping freely.

There’s some truth to this, but the main reason digital marketers have overused pop-ups for so long is simply because they work. Even annoying and highly disruptive pop-ups usually work: website owners wouldn’t maintain them if they didn’t generate profit.

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