This is a product that is available

This is a product that is available  to customers at a low price. Its purpose is to get the buyer to start buying your products and services. Tripwire satisfies a low need of consumers c level contact list  reveals their main problems and stimulates the client to buy the main product. Selling a product to a consumer who has already made a purchase is easier than to a person who has not spent his money on you.

Examples of tripwires: This is a product that is available

  • Mini-course lasting a couple of days.
  • Webinar recording.
  • A trial brief/superficial consultation to assess the need for a full-fledged treatment.
  • The first lesson is aimed at familiarizing with the product/service.
  • First individual training with a discount.
  • A small product that is a substitute, a representative of the main thing.

The choice of tripwire must be made in such a way that it perfectly harmonizes with the main product.

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Flagship product

Solving a customer’s problem is the  optimizing your presentation to drive traffic to your website primary goal of a flagship product. It is chosen as the main product that brings in the bulk of the profits after the lead magnet and tripwire attract the consumer to buy. The sales funnel is built around the flagship product/service, since all the others are built around it.

Before developing a product line and creating a sales funnel, it is necessary to determine the main product. Otherwise, there is a high probability of losing the budget due to the wrong choice of target audience, lead magnet and tripwire.

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Profit Maximizer

It is important to focus on the product that has the highest margin and can be successfully sold in addition to the main product. The profit maximizer executive list  strives to actively promote additional sales. When the buyer has already purchased the main  he is offered the opportunity to buy something else. The main idea is to increase the purchase amount without increasing costs by 20-50%.

Here are some examples of income maximizers:

  • Additional s such as candy for flowers or a gift bag for a toy (included with this
  • After purchasing a key  the customer is offered a discount on a new from the line.
  • The buyer is recommended an improved and more expensive version of the main

Using this element of profit does not always lead to results, but without it you can miss 100% of possible income. Using the maximizer will increase the chances of increasing the amount of the average check.

Premium s

The customer’s attention should also be directed to the exclusive offer – the VIPwhich is the top of the atrix.

In the information business, a unique rate for a course with constant feedback can be used, which plays a key role in interaction with the client. In a flower shop, a subscription for systematic delivery of bouquets becomes a premium offer.

ponent of the sales funnel. It consists of s that meet the needs of buyers, satisfy them at all stages of the transaction and help smoothly lead the client

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