The product line can be narrow or wide

The product line can be narrow or wide. The second option implies that the company offers a wide range of products of different types and tastes country email list  A narrow line, on the contrary, indicates that the company specializes in one or two products, ensuring their high quality and uniqueness.

A good example of a broad product line is Apple ,

Rolex is a narrow product line company : it specializes exclusively in the production of watches.

A trade line can be static or dynamic. The first type of line means a minor change in the company’s product range. In turn, a dynamic line is a constant update and expansion of the product range, including the introduction of new or improvement of old products.

An example of a static product line is the Coca-Cola company , which has been producing the famous drink since 1886.

Samsung is a dynamic company that constantly

develops and releases new types of electronics, introducing new technologies and functions.

A product line can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. The first one is products with the same or similar quality, price, application and appearance. A heterogeneous product line includes products with different quality, price, functionality and design.

An example of the first line is the company IKEA , which produces home furniture and accessories in the Scandinavian style.

A variant of a diverse line is Amazon  content designer: who is it, what does it do, responsibilities, work with its wide range of goods and services from different manufacturers and suppliers.

The company has the opportunity to choose

between its own product line and a partner one. In the case of the first, the company itself produces and sells products, fully controlling all stages from the idea to sales.

An example is the Nike company , which independently manufactures and sells sportswear and shoes.

Affiliate line involves cooperation with other manufacturers that produce goods under its brand or with its participation. Such a line can be observed in the Starbucks company , which sells coffee and other drinks produced by different companies under the logo of the main company.

The product line of services/goods can be divided into mass and niche categories. The first reflects the company’s desire to offer its products to a wide range of clients without focusing on their characteristics.

One of the bright examples of a mass line is the

McDonald’s company , with fast food for all citizens at a low cost.

The opposite is the niche line at Lush . It specializes in producing natural and vegan cosmetics for an audience that pays attention to the eco-friendliness of its products.

The product line is divided into local and global. T executive list he first implies that the company offers its products only in a specific market or area, without taking into account their features. The global product line assumes that the company

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