This is a set of options offered by the manufacturer for purchasing products (volume, configuration, assembly, packaging, etc.). That is, a customer wishing to buy cement for home work can take a package of one, three, five kilograms, a 20 phone number list kg bag. He can purchase the M-600 composition of the same package for strong solutions.
The depth of the assortment is determined
by the total number of possible potential purchases: multiplying the number of available packages (in this case, four) by the cement options (two).
This calculation is also made for other integration with other tools products. If a company offers three packs of chips (40, 100 and 140 g) with eight recipe options, then the depth of the brand’s product line on the market will be 24 items.
The integrity of a trade line is determined by the close interrelation and complementarity of its elements in the final use.
The highest degree of product line integrity
is the formation and offering on the market of a set of interrelated goods and services that satisfy human needs. For example, a consumer kit for mobile phones includes accessories such as cases, stands, car mounts, tripods, lenses, selfie sticks, screen magnifiers, and the like. It is important that they all be harmoniously interconnected.
Prices for product lines can be divided into three categories. Depending on the cost, products are classified as cheap, medium and expensive. According to statistics, consumers usually pay more attention and think about buying expensive products than cheap ones. Therefore, the longer they think about choosing a product from a line, the more valuable and thoughtful it is.
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Types of product lines
A product line is not a set of goods or services executive list offered by a company. It is a strategy. It helps attract and retain target audience, increase profitability and competitiveness of the business.
Here are seven fascinating facts about the product lines that may surprise you:
- not only horizontally but also vertically. A horizontal line consists of variations of a single product: potato chips in many flavors or creams for different skin types. A vertical line includes