What is business like now?
In 2020, due to the pandemic, we came to a hybrid form of business: if previously we worked only in person, now classes are held both offline and online.
“Inzhinium” is actively developing, and our team is constantly growing: it has become not only larger, but stronger and more united. By 2022, most of our employees have switched from part-time to full-time employment. Our partner network is also rapidly growing, from which requests for various programs come.
“Inzhinium” holds summer and spring camps
IT courses, as well as master classes, intensive courses and quests. We try to create the most comfortable conditions for learning and give children a variety of material, not just academic knowledge.
Finally, I would like who want to give some recommendations that I used at the beginning of my journey and continue to use to this day. I also want to share those things that I came to only after some time.
Be bold! Don’t be afraid of your idea and bank database don’t be afraid to implement it. If you don’t implement the idea, someone else will.
Try it! If something doesn’t work, then look for non-standard methods of implementation. Don’t get hung up on just one.
Don’t give up! You can’t give up if things don’t work out right here and now. Maybe you should wait, and if you don’t want to wait, then see point #2.
Regularly look at examples of the best projects in the area you want to develop in
Expand your who want social circle. Don’t be afraid to meet new people: they are more responsive than it seems, and will be happy to help, advise and support. If there are no like-minded people in your circle, it’s not a first of all, what are the goals you want to achieve problem. By increasing your social connections, you aero leads can easily come to the point where you will soon have a lot of people with sparkling eyes around you.