In color theory, the color red is considered an aggressive, dominant color. It can therefore be used as a highlight color in a B2B website. Blue as the preferred This is because this color is very strongly perceived by the user and can therefore lead to a faster action. The color green, on the other hand, appears lively and conveys balance and harmony.
Blue is the favorite color of most B2B companies and is therefore often used on B2B websites, often in combination with the colors gray and home owner database white. The color white leaves a clean and clear impression on B2B websites and is therefore often used as a background color. Since the products in the B2B segment are often very complex and require blue as the preferred explanation, a lot of white space is used on the website. This gives the website space and freedom and helps to better understand the sometimes complex content.
A B2B website in black and white, for example, can exude elegance and high quality. At the same time, it can also represent a classic B2B company. Black suggests elegance and value, which is particularly positive for the very high-priced products typical for the B2B segment.
Influencing the purchasing decision through colors
A person decides within a few seconds whether they like a product or not, and 90% of this decision is based on the color of the product. This fact guide to subsidies in japan underlines the outstanding role of color choice for a B2B website. The wrong color can lead to an undesirable blue as the preferred perception of the company. In the worst case, this results in a user leaving the website and a negative attitude towards the company. When choosing colors, there are three points to consider: They fit your company and the values you want to convey. Your target groups can identify with the colors you use. And they underline the value of your products.
The colors evoke subconscious feelings in the user within a few seconds. Either positive or negative. In the B2B segment in particular, trust in the blue anhui mobile phone number list as the preferred brand plays a major role in increasing customer loyalty and positively influencing users in their purchasing decisions. So carefully consider which colors suit your company, your customers, your products and ultimately your website.