Brand image and positioning: A short- and long-term strategy

Here we tell you why. brand image In recent years we have seen how many of the major brands have tried to change their brand image in various ways. Some have decided to change their image from scratch, changing identifying elements such as their logos and corporate colours. Others have even changed the tone and way of communicating with their audience several times in order to interact and generate greater engagement with them.

The problem with the previous sentence

We should not worry too much about this issue if we are a brand with a solid client base. Since the risks of changing it are often greater than japan mobile database the benefits we can obtain from this change of image. This is one of the many symptoms that a brand that cannot find its place in the market can present. This is where the famous marketing term of brand positioning. In the mind of the consumer comes into play , and understanding the keys to exploiting all the benefits it can bring you in the long term will be crucial to avoid an early death of your brand.

Do you want to know how to extract

Then keep reading. What is the difference between brand identity, brand image and positioning? In order to talk about positioning, it is essential we will explore the second definition further in this article to talk about image and corporate identity. Specifically, we must first talk about identity, then image and, finally, positioning. They must all be closely related to each other. Brand identity is what the person or brand really is , the real intrinsic characteristics that define what it is. Brand image is what others think you are, what they perceive .

Positioning, on the other hand

Which in our case will be the competition and for this reason it is essential to carry out a market study. They won’t tell you this anywhere, but it is not fax list about being good (that is already taken for granted), but about being better than your competitor. Identity is the set of characteristics or attributes that identify a person and allow them to differentiate themselves from others. We usually talk about two kinds of attributes.

Visible ones (those that can be seen) and conceptual ones (those that speak of how they are). On the other hand, if they are defined by another person, we are talking about the image rather than identity. In this way, thebrand imageIt is the set of mental representations (rational and affective).

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