These days, to a greater or lesser extent, we are all stressed. We are dealing with a lot of things at the same time, and it seems like the days are at least two hours short. But in the midst of all this hustle and bustle, staying motivated is essential. That is why today I want to share with you these Big Think tricks to stay motivated at work and feel that the things you do on a daily basis count.
Motivation at work is a matter of good intentions
To be truly motivated at work, you can’t just repeat actions mechanically. Intentions count : do you know why you’re doing what you’re doing? Are you able to give it your best shot?
The problem for many companies
Is that they are sacrificing the possibility of Canada Mobile Phone Numbers Database real motivation in their employees in exchange for short-term efficiency. Meetings, cubicles, schedules, everything is geared towards improving results more or less immediately. It is very easy to create obligations to feel productive, but without producing real value.
Think about email, for example
How many new emails do you get each day? If you were to, you could probably spend a good portion of your time just managing your email. And you might feel productive at the end of the day and see your inbox empty… but you wouldn’t have contributed any real value.
The key, therefore, is not to be busy
But to decide what your long-term goals really are Recent Mobile Phone Number Examples set aside time to work on them . If you want to feel motivated at work, think about what are the things you will remember in 6 months or 5 years, the things you will feel proud of having achieved. Keeping your inbox clean day after day is certainly not one of them.
I recommend you read this article
Chief Happiness Officer: What BT Leads does the person responsible for happiness bring to a brand?”Define your long-term goals and
set aside time to work on them.”
How to keep your team motivated at work?
Teams need to think about long-term goals and set aside some time to work toward them, because no one else is going to protect their time. But in addition to making responsible use of their own schedule, they also have another critical mission: motivating each other . And to achieve this, there are two fundamental tools:
Say thank you
Teams need to take time to thank their colleagues for their work and make them aware of all that they contribute. Only then will they feel valued and able to maintain their motivation in the long term.
Encourage (really) teamwork
To achieve this, there is one essential concept that we can (and should!) pay attention to: social motivation. Humans are social beings and as such, we are made to work together and care for each other. Sometimes, we make sacrifices for other people that we would not make for ourselves. But only team members who feel valued and who have good working conditions can contribute their best to those around them.