Cro – conversion rate source
in this case we can see that both social traffic and traffic received from paid campaigns (adwords) have a conversion […]
in this case we can see that both social traffic and traffic received from paid campaigns (adwords) have a conversion […]
in order not to get sidetracked by. Analyzing variables or information that are not influencing. The conversion, it is best
using this tool we can know and. Check exactly how our website is displayed on. Different mobile devices. But if
it is estimated that websites that are. Not adapted can lose up to 20% of their visits” if your website
website needs to be responsive the penetration of mobile devices in spain is higher. Than any other european country by
since the design and adaptation. Of a website for mobile devices facilitates access from. Devices where users spend more and
this is a method and set of techniques. For designing websites that adapt to any type of screen resolution. Restructuring
Video testimonials are here to stay. In fact! they are becoming more and more popular by the minute. If you
How can I get the most qualified candidates interested in my company? This is a common question for employers and
By converting your landing page reviews into video reviews! you can nearly double your conversion rate and get more sales.
You probably already know that video testimonials build trust between you and your potential customers. A video testimonial is a
We need to talk about reviews and testimonials. The terms “review” and “testimonial” are sometimes mistakenly used interchangeably. After all!