This article is about how to open a bakery yourself from scratch with a full production cycle, i.e. from kneading dough to selling finished products.
tion for a bakery?
When choosing a suitable room, you need to consider the following factors:
Convenient location in terms of logistics: access roads, distances to customers. When selling to stores and points of sale with a large distance from each other, delivery may not be profitable.
The presence of competitors – bakeries in the immediate area.
Of course, the ideal option
would be to contact a marketing center to study the area and select a suitable location. But independent analysis does not exclude the right choice. Perhaps your bakery will be unique in some way, for example, it will produce a special type of bakery products, without the use of yeast, which are popular among adherents of healthy eating. In this case, the presence of ordinary bakeries in the area will not be your competitors.
Conditions necessary for approval by btc users database the SES. The main requirements can be found at the inspection
It is desirable that the premises immediately contain the required parameters, otherwise it must be re-equipped to meet the standards.
What documentation is required?
Of course, the first step is to register with the tax authorities. When choosing a legal form, it is worth considering how choose a loca to conduct business: independently or with a partner. If there is a partner, the LLC form is selected, respectively, for sole proprietorship.
It is better to choose the UTII tax system
If this taxation cannot be used in the region for this activity, then it is worth choosing the simplified tax system.
Obtaining permission choose a loca what the adequacy decision contains and certificates from the SES. Also, do not forget that not only aero leads the premises must be suitable, but also the workers must have sanitary books.
Certificates from the fire inspection department are required.
Obtaining permits from Rosstandart.
The list of required authorities may differ from region to region.
[warning]We also recommend that you read the following materials: