in order not to get sidetracked by. Analyzing variables or information that are not influencing. The conversion, it is best to begin by observing. The process that leads to. The conversion and the user’s behavior in these previous steps.
If we have set up tracking of all the steps that the user takes. To make the conversion (the so-called conversion funnel ), analytics will. Provide us with very useful graphic information. About where the dropouts are occurring.
this conversion funnel we see
very clearly that in the first step of this purchasing switzerland phone number library process more than 80% of the users who started to buy are being lost.
More than 50% of users are lost in the next step as well.
Conversion funnel information is also presented to us in the goal flow report , where we also have more advanced options such as distinguishing sources, graphically showing where users are abandoning or going back in the process, etc.
These two reports can quickly show us where users encounter the most obstacles to making a purchase.
Once this critical stage has been observed
we must also analyze whether there are differences in the conversion achieved from each traffic source.
Although the general objective is to improve the traffic received from any source, if we observe significant differences between them be numbers we may have to consider that, apart from the factors of the website itself, it may be necessary to review the quality of the traffic received from that specific source, or on the contrary, if we are we are seeing with the knowledge interested in promoting that source in particular.