Definitions of customer reviews vs customer testimonials

We need to talk about reviews and testimonials.

The terms “review” and “testimonial” are sometimes mistakenly used interchangeably. After all! they’re both types of social proof! right?

While reviews and testimonials are the “voice of the customer!” there is more to these ratings than meets the eye.

But fear not.

At Trustmary we’d be happy to guide you through  job seekers database the differences between reviews and testimonials.

Definition of ‘testimonials’ and ‘reviews’
Definition of ‘testimony’
testimonial definition
According to the Collins English Dictionary! a testimony is:


  1. a statement attesting to a person’s qualifications! character! etc.! or the merits of some product! service! etc.; letter or statement of recommendation
  2. something given or done as an expression of gratitude or appreciation

A testimonial or testimonial serves many purposes. For example! a former boss may testify about a person’s character and work ethic.

We! however! speak from the client’s testimony:

A customer testimonial is a recommendation of a business! or the quality of a product or service! by a customer.

HubSpot ‘s definition of ‘testimonial’ goes into more detail:


“A testimonial is an endorsement of your product or service attracting clients for your business: 19 effective strategies  that usually comes from a client! colleague or peer who has benefited or enjoyed it as a result of your work with them .”

Our Ultimate Guide to Collecting and Using Testimonials says:

“More technically! a testimonial is a piece of text! video or audio used for marketing purposes in which a satisfied customer shares their experience with a product or service and recommends it to the reader/viewer/listener.”

Testimonials provide social proof: the idea that people copy the actions of others to conform and be accepted.

88% of consumers say they trust online testimonials and reviews as much as recommendations from friends or family! so it’s no wonder businesses ask for testimonials as evidence of customer satisfaction.

Testimonials are collected by asking satisfied customers specific questions that explore before and after comparisons! impact! or provide specific improvement statistics.


According to the Collins English Dictionary! a review is:


  1. look at or review
  2. a general survey! report or account
  3. a look back! a retrospective glance! or a survey! such as past events or experiences

While a review can be a general retrospective of a past event or experience! a customer review is a customer-specific account of services or products.

HubSpot analyzes customer reviews in more detail:

“A customer review is a written reflection of a  thailand data customer’s experience and feedback on your company’s products or services. Reviews are found on sites like Google Reviews! Amazon! Yelp! and social media.”

Customer reviews are honest. Brutally honest in some cases.

67% will consider leaving a review for a positive experience! while 40% will consider it for a negative experience.

Which means your customer reviews are a true reflection of what your customers think of your brand.

Review sites are a good source of customer reviews! and due to the nature of these sites! they are already in written format.

It is a good practice to monitor review sites and respond to all reviews! whenever possible. Our helpful guides can help you craft the perfect responses to both negative and positive reviews .

While businesses have little control over what is said about them on third-party sites! they can also request their own reviews and obtain feedback or use it for marketing and sales purposes .


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