Black and white are usually us , as the main colors of the presentation. This color scheme is consider , classic, but does not always suit the theme.
To select a color palette, you can use the service .
The templates that algeria phone number library are present , in PowerPoint have a number of disadvantages. Therefore, it is not advisable to use them.
There are two options: completely abandon the templates in the presentation or create your own template. In the first case, you will only ne , to make all the slides in the same style. If you want to develop your own version of the template, you ne , to go to the View tab -> Slide Master. The section that opens contains tools for creating.
Don’t use serif fonts
Selecting a font
This type of font style is optimal for many areas of use, but it is not quite suitable for presentation. Text written in this font will lose its readability when viewing the final product.
For the presentation, you can use system fonts : Arial, Arial narrow, Arial Black (only for headings), Calibri. It is also acceptable to choose third-party fonts. For example, Bebas (only for headings), Raleway, Roboto, Helvetica, Circe, Open Sans, Gotham Pro.
When creating the company logo contains a totemic a presentation, it is advisable to stick to one font. This way, you will european leads maintain the overall style. But sometimes you can experiment and choose fonts from different groups.
- Choose high-quality images
Poor quality images can ruin even the most original presentation. Therefore, their selection should be approach , with due attention. To choose high-quality images, follow the rules present , below.