The second day in San Francisco started with solving the problem with the internet connection. Mobile data was exhausted! the WiFi at the hotel was running at modem speed! so my last chance was the Dreamforce WiFi. Full of anticipation for the first session of the day and the fact that I would be online again! I headed towards one of the buildings where the entire conference was taking place. Immediately after arriving! I started trying to connect to the WiFi! but to no avail. After half an hour! when I contacted 5 people asking for help! I was sent to the technical corner and there I was told that the Huawei brand is not supported here and was recommended to go to the Apple Store and buy an iPhone. Truly an American solution to this situation. Based on this recommendation! I preferred to have my mobile data increased.
Then I finally got to why I was here
which was lectures! networking! and just the whole chinese overseas europe database Salesforce madness. I walked around the entire building and gradually started to soak up the atmosphere.
Since there were no more tickets for the full DF! I registered for the Ops-Stars event about sales and marketing! which takes place in SF during the DF. I was at the event in the morning and there were many practical lectures. However! the concept of Account-based marketing = strategy! which now dominates within marketing and sales strategy! was carried throughout the event.
For lunch! Salesforce organized a lunch for us as part of Growing markets! so I finally met the SF employees from Dublin! with whom we always correspond online. At the same time! I met a few SF partners from Poland! Turkey and Hungary.
The afternoon was full of meetings and transitions from one place to another.
At 3 o’clock I also watched the streaming key note from linkbuilding: the key strategy to improve seo Mark in the NewVoiceMedia office and in the evening after the streaming I ended up at networking! where our new potential partner invited me that afternoon
Then I finally was here
The main event of the first day was slowly approaching! the “Celebration thailand data of Trailblazers” with Mark Benioff and other top Salesforce executives. We already knew in advance what the main content of this event would be! namely the presentation of the global collaboration between Salesforce and Enehano Solutions.