From the end of november

Christmas is coming and all e-retailers are preparing for our own august and one of the premises to take into account during these dates is to optimize our website or online store.

(black friday and cyber ​​monday kick off) to the first days of january (just in time for the three kings’ day), every online store has the opportunity to substantially increase its sales.

Christmas, cyber ​​monday or black friday , valentine’s day, father’s day, mother’s day… They all usually have one thing in common: unexpected results and behaviors.

You may be the best in the field

of a/b testing and have more foresight than anyone else, but these days and times surpass anything you could have anticipated in a “normal” scenario, so optimizing our website or online store is, as I told you at the beginning of this post, essential.

Tips to optimize your website or online store romania phone number library during special times
let’s give an example: you and two others are the leaders in sales of products from a particular manufacturer.

It’s december 22nd and many orders may fall.

Your direct competitor’s server goes down and it takes them all morning to get it back up.

A flood of unexpected visitors lands on your bf leads server. Did you have this scenario in mind?

Another example: something becomes fashionable

Someone on tv puts on that shirt that they are in position 3 for in the search results…

as you can well imagine, these scenarios are what you need to differentiate difficult to prevent, but these things happen and christmas can be an amalgamation of these scenarios.

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