Hideto Yasuoka

contact name: Hideto Yasuoka
contact job function details:
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business name: Excape Entertainment Group

business domain: racefightclub.com

business facebook URL:

business linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/2766972

business twitter:

business website: http://www.excape-entertainment.com

qatar telemarketing data 1 million package

business angellist: http://angel.co/excape-entertainment-group

business found year: 2007

business city: Shibuya

business zip code:

business state: Tokyo

business country: Japan

business language: English,Japanese

business employee: 7

ibrahim ozdemir ceo

business category: entertainment

business specialty: hyperstimultor production sales, high stickiness brand promotion, high impact customer events, full immersion entertainment, virtual reality, hyperstimultor production amp sales, entertainment

business technology: outlook,nginx,ubuntu

business description: eXcape Entertainment combines virtual reality, extreme sports and theatre in an out-of-home entertainment activity that we wrap around our customers, make them



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