How to collect leads in the b2b segment

Focus on quality, not quantity of leads. Don’t let your sales department be overwhelmed with useless contacts, 90% of whom are not interested in your services or are even completely outside your scope of work. Contacting unnecessary leads takes up your time, energy, and enthusiasm, so you can easily miss out on that interesting 10%.

Hot vs. cold leads.

Identify individual leads and divide them into those that are directly interested in the services provided at the given moment. And those that “only” represent a potential client type and visited your website, e.g. to read an article or subscribe to a newsletter.

Recognize potential client needs before you moj database contact them. The aforementioned will show you which page or campaign.  The lead reached you through and which pages on your website they visited. Thanks to this, you can know in advance what the potential partner is interested in and meet them immediately.

Here are 7 basic tips for getting them:

The word immediately is important because the right timing is one of the key ingredients for contact. Most leads need to be approached as soon as possible.

Of course, it depends on the industry you are in you don’t know how to handle money and the amount of competition you have, but a hot lead will usually visit a number of companies in this way when searching.

So go ahead and approach them. Preferably that day, at most the next day. The same applies to a cold lead: as long as they remember you and are interested in the issue, then it makes sense to contact the lead.

Show that you are interested, find out about possible needs and express the possibility of communicating at any time, e.g. to meet to discuss the issue, if they want.

If you have been contacted through

The above-mentioned visitor identification technologies, please do not hesitate to mention this in case of an inquiry. These technologies are fully compliant with GDPR and do not work directly with personal data.

Something for something, but only high quality . If you are getting contacts, for example, from downloading an e-book or subscribing to a denmark business directory newsletter. Pay close attention to their identification and segmentation. There can be a large number of these contacts – so it is necessary to offer the most relevant content that is of interest to our potential clients.

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