How to make a good sales report? 4 techniques to achieve it

Companies face several challenges every day, including customer service and the implementation of marketing strategies .

For these to be effective, it is necessary to have instruments that help to monitor the results and the path towards the goals, such as the sales report, for example.

A company’s sales report is, essentially, a detailed report of the development of its operations and commercial activities , which is prepared on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis.

In this article we will teach you the best techniques to prepare this report correctly, as well as the elements that you should take into account to do so, which will help you ensure that the sales team ‘s operations flow according to the pre-established objectives.

Let’s get started!

What elements make up a good sales report?

These premises are based on elements that mexico telegram data allow us to understand the context of the team’s operation and the application of sales strategies . Some of them are:

Sales Summary

This line should include growth and sales-related activities, as well as monthly performance and scope of data projections, such as:

  • sales revenue;
  • calls made;
  • sales visits;
  • deals closed by sales representatives .

Profit and loss

Contains data on quotes made, objectives how to collect leads in the b2b segment achieved , and monthly or annual closing rate, as well as:

  • increases in market share;
  • average lead conversion rate.

Contacts Report

The contact names, their line of business,  cob directory start date of the relationship and other information that can be used to get to know these potential clients are included , as well as:

  • sales funnel coverage;
  • loyalty indicators;
  • user retention.

With all this information, managers can visualize the reality of the team’s sales actions and determine the appropriate corrections, strategies or tactics to meet expectations.

Techniques for making a sales report

The next step is for you to know, with certainty, the two techniques and practices that you can use to develop this report: the use of Excel and mobile sales management .

Using Excel

The first thing is to have the Excel program on the computers of each of those who participate or have to do with the sales report. Then, follow these steps:

1. Gather the data

It is nothing more than the collection of relevant data within the evaluation and monitoring processes, which in turn serve to optimize decision-making.

2. Tabulate all the information

In Excel, create pivot tables with check boxes where you indicate the name of the report, include columns with important data, such as the month, number of sales generated or specific sales, and growth rate, among others.

3. Use formulas

Excel has formulas to automatically calculate or perform arithmetic operations.

For example, you can measure month-over-month growth by subtracting one box from another and showing the difference, either positive or negative.

Another possibility is to calculate the growth percentage by doing a simple division of one cell over another and change the format to “Percentage” to display the results this way.

4. Use diagrams or graphs to show the results

Excel allows you to display charts based on the sales area data contained in the cells .

This makes it possible to present growth rates, customer retention, loyalty levels , and more in a simple and attractive way.

As you can see, Excel is a tool or technique for a manual sales report .

However, there is a system that can accumulate all the information and issue reports automatically, called mobile sales management.

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