Nescafe is one of the largest brands

The design of the Marlboro pack has chang , several times, adapting to trends .


Currently, this brand does not lose popularity and is actively sold in 180 countries.




Hummer is a German brazil phone number library  brand that produces power, measuring, gardening equipment and power tools. The company has been on the market for almost 40 years and during this time has manag , to gain considerable fame around the world.


Since 2010, the products of this brand have been discontinu ,. However, it is possible to purchase previously releas , models.


The company logo consists of the brand name. Although the logo has undergone changes, the overall design idea has remain , the same.




The fashion house Hermes has exist , since 1837. This brand is engag , in the production and release of clothing, accessories, leather goods and perfumes.


The company logo is the italian brand ferrari sells sports  a carriage drawn by a horse. The choice of this design is due to the history of the brand. Initially, it was a workshop that made bridles, saddles and other equipment for equestrian business. Only in the 20s of the twentieth century, the range of manufactur , products began to be replenish , with goods of a different focus.




 of instant coffee , own , by Nestle. The brand dates back to the 1930s, but the first coffee of this brand was produc , industrially only in 1938.


The company logo european leads is present , as a white inscription on a dark (usually r ,) background. Since the very beginning of the brand’s foundation, the logo has not chang ,.




Gap sells clothing, footwear, underwear, swimwear, and accessories for women, men, and children. The products of this American brand are distinguish , by their high quality, discreet style, and affordable prices.


Currently, Gap products are actively sold in 142 countries, including Russia. The brand logo consists of the company name in white letters. The inscription is plac , on a blue background.

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