About a month ago. the company Mann Ivanov and Ferber sent me an interesting book to read with the mysterious title “Laws of Influence”.
The book is written by an unknown author
Susan Weinschenk. Somehow I had not come across her books before. but the title was very similar to the famous Chaldin’s “Psychology of Influence”.
I will say right away that she has nothing in
common with Cialdini. qatar telegram data although she has the same idea – to manipulate people.
I will imm.iately note that the book is easy and quick to read. There are no lyrical digressions. no overly clever phrases or scientific justifications.
The book is intend. for a general reader. and therefore it is quite pleasant to read.
In this book you will not find why
something works this way Albania telegram phone resource or that way. Leave this information to professional books on psychology. The task of “Laws of Influence” is to show you the basic european leads things with which you can either manipulate others or protect yourself from others’ manipulation.
The author does not open any new universes. Everything is very banal and simple. I must say that the things describ. in the book are so simple that they can be appli. in business. personal life. relationships at work or society.
The author examines in detail the
main motivators of a person. shows the power of stories and habits. reveals work with basic human instincts and reveals the secrets of our brain.
Everything is very. very simple. This is what the emphasis is on. Therefore. if you really want to quickly and without unnecessary stress figure out how you are being manipulat.. I recommend this book.
By the way. if you read it. read it together with Cialdini’s classics. They will complement each other greatly.