For example, you will find out why mass updating of a large number of images can have very negative consequences and how to implement it to avoid it. You will learn what new featured snippets Google is testing or how the image search feature on Seznam will help you not only with your orientation in war news. And you can also look forward to recordings of all lectures from the Reshoper SEO conference.
The URL Parameters tool in Google Search Console is no longer available
At the end of April, Google discontinued support for the philippines phone number data URL parameters tool, which had been a standard part of Search Console since 2009. The tool is now officially offline, but the development department of the most used search engine is working hard to improve it and re-deploy it in the future – in an updated form.
Source: Seroundtable
New Featured Posts From The Web and Other Sites Say
In April, Google also began testing two new featured snippets (the Czech name, albeit a bit cumbersome, is “featured posts”, which refers to a special way of displaying a link to the exact answer to a search query within the imaginary zero position in the SERP).
The selected post From The Web mainly concerns product review queries, where it will show you several brief ratings of a given type of product.
SEO News: April–June 2022
The Other Site Says snippet, on the other hand, offers several alternatives from other websites to the main selected post, which briefly complement it and give you another answer to your question.
SEO News: April–June 2022
Source: Seroundtable
Found in Related Search is back
Do you know how e-shops often display offers like “you advantage campaigns on facebook: learn the best strategy might also like this product” while browsing a certain product? The Found in Related Search search function, which Google is re-testing after several years, works on the same principle.
This will give you a slightly more diverse range of answers, which we appreciate.
SEO News: April–June 2022
Source: Seroundtable
Bulk updating of a large number of images can have negative consequences
John Mueller admitted in the April edition of Google Office Hours that updating a lot of photos at once can be an SEO problem. For example, if you have a page with 50,000 recipes or products and you change the illustration images as part of a large update, search engines may not index them for several months.
And it won’t change anything, even if Search Console hong kong data shows you that everything is fine. Mueller suggests solving similar situations by redirecting the URLs of the original images to the URLs of the new ones. Thanks to this, they will keep the old ones in their system, which will only redirect, which will greatly simplify and speed up the indexing of the updated photos.
In addition to redirection, a fast server response can also help.