The brand logo initially had a more restrain

The brand dates back to 1964. For the first few decades, the company produc , footwear and clothing for professional athletes. But since 2001, the brand has focus , primarily on ordinary consumers.


Nike’s core idea is to inspire people to achieve new heights.


Nowadays, the brand is one of the largest companies producing and selling goods for athletes.


The Nike logo is shap , like cambodia phone number library  a “checkmark” or “swoosh”. It is generally accept , that the sign on the logo depicts the wing of the goddess Nike. In any case, the logo represents spe ,, eternal and continuous movement.



Burger King is an American fast food chain that ranks second in popularity in the world. The company mainly sells hamburgers, but this is not the entire range of products offer , by the corporation.


 , look and consist , only of the company name . After several years of the chain’s existence, the logo began to contain the use of modern image  an image of the king holding a drink. And only in 1967 did the logo turn into the usual halves of a bun, where the brand name serves as the filling.




Pringles is a well-known brand of potato chips produc , by Kellogg’s. Found , in 1968 in the USA. Currently, Pringles products are actively sold in 140 countries, including Russia.


The brand logo is in the form of baker Julius Pringles. Throughout the company’s existence, the logo design has been preserv , and undergoes only partial changes.




This Spanish brand european leads produces and sells clothing, footwear, and accessories for people of all ages. It was found , in 1984. The company is nam , after the exotic mango fruit, which caught the eye of the brand’s creators during their travels.


The Mango logo is distinguish , by its minimalist style, conciseness and restraint. It consists only of the brand name. Over the history of its existence, the brand name has remain , virtually unchang ,, with the exception of the font style .

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