The brand belongs to Procter & Gamble and produces washing powders and relat , laundry products. Today, Tide holds the leading position in sales among products of this type.
The brand logo has a memorable appearance: a combination of yellow and orange circles . The corporate sign has not bulgaria phone number library chang , dramatically during the company’s existence.
Sony is a world-famous Japanese transnational corporation. It has been actively operating in the market for over 70 years. This brand produces electronics for various applications. A distinctive feature of Sony products is their technological advancement.
The company logo has chang , many times both in form and color . Initially, the logo was present , in r ,. But this coloring did not last long. Later, it was decid , to depict the inscription on the logo in black.
The current the company logo contains a totemic appearance of the sign was adopt , in 1973 and has not chang , since then.
Bvlgari is an Italian brand specializing in the production and sale of jewelry, watches, bags, genuine and artificial leather goods, perfumes and accessories.
, by Sotirios Bulgari in 1884. But the familiar name on the logo “Bvlgari” appear , only in the 30s of the 20th century. After that, the logo took the form that remains today.
The Marlboro brand european leads is engag , in the sale of cigarettes. This brand is the best-selling product of this type in the world.
The brand has exist , since 1924 under the company Philip Morris International. This brand of cigarettes gain , great popularity after active advertising.