Lexus specializes in the production and sale of premium cars. This brand belongs to the Japanese company Toyota. Found , in 1983.
Currently, Lexus products are actively
sold in the USA and Europe. The total number of countries where the brand’s cars are sold has exce , , 90.
The Lexus logo is shap , like bosnia and herzegovina phone number library a heraldic shield containing the letter L in the center of an oval. This logo has retain , its original appearance for 36 years.
Crocs is a relatively nescafe is one of the largest brands young brand, creat , in 2002. The company manufactures and sells shoes made of the polymer material Croslite. This composition of the clogs allows them to be us , in the sports industry due to their comfort of wearing.
Crocs shoes enter , the Russian market only in 2008, but imm ,iately gain , popularity. Currently, the brand’s products are us , not only by athletes, but also by people in everyday life.
The company logo consists of an image of a crocodile plac , in a circle and the name. This design corresponds to the name of the brand, which translates as “crocodile”.
and racing cars. The european leads company was found , in 1924, but production began only in 1947.
Currently, Ferrari brand cars are us , in Formula 1 racing. High spe , and maneuverability allow the car to remain in demand in the sports field.
The company’s logo features a rearing horse, set against a yellow background and accompani , by the Italian flag.
Levi’s is an American brand that was the first in the world to patent and release jeans. Now this company specializes in the production and sale of clothing, accessories and shoes. Also, since 2007, mobile phones have been produc , under the Levi’s brand.
The distinctive feature of the company’s products is a r , tag with the name, which is sewn on the inside of the product. The brand logo has the same appearance – white inscription on a r , background.