The UX & Analytics mix

This solution typology allows you to combine qualitative insights from session replay with quantitative insights from the events and properties you track to understand the full context behind each user interaction.

With these tools, you can, for example:

  • Identify bugs and user frustration patterns and reproduce them
  • Analyze your users’ journey and how they navigate your app to improve user onboarding
  • Focus on what matters by filtering your sessions based on duration, triggered events, click rages, crashes, UI freezes, and other properties.

French UX Analytics solution developed internationally which  has el salvador phone number library a simplified tag with autotrack and the possibility of personalized events

It helps identify friction points through their sunburst visualization, providing an overview of your website pages (mapping) based on their performance, and thus helps businesses improve conversion, retention and customer satisfaction.

ContentSquare also provides data analytics on content performance, browsing uae cell number behaviors, form interactions, and other key user experience metrics.

3 examples for UX Analytics needs

Fullstory is an American solution whose strength is its ability to provide complete video recordings of the user’s interaction with the website or mobile application. These advanced replay sessions can be extremely financial management platforms useful for understanding user behavior and identifying user experience issues.

In addition to video capture, FullStory offers a variety of other behavioral analytics tools to help businesses understand visitor behavior, identify trends, and improve visitor-to-customer conversion.

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