I was prompt. to write this article by the training “Turborapsprodazh 2013”. which we are currently conducting with Azamat Ushakov.
The biggest problem with sales is that sales
I notic. that in the minds of many people there is an objection: “How is that possible? Selling everything I sold before at a 50%-90% discount! This is unthinkable!”
Many people are really chok. by a toad.
This is normal! We all russia telegram data nderstand that somewhere we are “underearning”. In fact. this is true… in theory. The marginality per unit of product inevitably falls.
BUT! Let’s think about this.
Why are sales held?
Everyone has their own goals. but I can highlight a few main ones:
- Make money
- Stir up inactive clients
- Attract new customers/increase market share
- Get rid of excess stock in the warehouse
- To promote yourself european leads (for branding purposes)
You may add some more. but most sales are focus. on these five.
I’ll be honest – it’s simply Albania phone resource unrealistic to pursue them all.
Every sale has its own tactics.
If you want to earn money. it makes sense to make packages (which minimize costs). For example. sets. wholesale packages. some prefabricat. versions of products and services. subscriptions. etc.
To stir up inactive clients. you ne. to give them special gifts. That is. during the sale. give them more bonuses. coupons for future purchases. bigger discounts. etc.
To attract new customers. you can even hold
The same goes for surplus stock. We sell at cost price and unload the warehouses.
For PR purposes. it is important to focus on the “spring wrapper.” That is. to organize contests. prize draws. advertising games. a clear focus on sales. etc.
As you can see. it is very important to understand the purpose of your sale and then build a strategy.
Not understanding the purpose of the sale is the biggest mistake. And it simply must be taken into account.