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Is content marketing part of your digital strategy? If so, sooner or later you will face the dreaded “blank screen fear”: that moment when you are not quite sure what to say. To help inspire you, today we are going to look at 20 ideas to convert more with your content marketing . There is sure to be one that is perfect for your brand!

20 creative ideas for your content marketing

Make a list of benefits . One of the oldest (and most effective) tricks in content USA Mobile Phone Numbers Database  is to not talk about the features of a product, but about its benefits for the consumer.

Well, you can use this trick to create content for your website

Related to the general scope of your business. For example, if you have a yoga studio, you can talk about the benefits of practicing this activity every day.

Make a list of things to avoid

The other side of the coin is the “don’t” lists, as they are very attractive content when it comes to getting clicks and visits. For example, “The 5 things you should never do if you want to get fit this year.”

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Predict upcoming trends

You know your industry better than anyone else—or at least a lot better BT Leads your customers. So use your wisdom to pull out your crystal ball and tell visitors to your blog, YouTube channel, or podcast what’s coming next.

Tell us where your products come from

Next time you visit your usual suppliers, take your Specific Database By Industry Examples  with you. People love to hear the stories of the brands they regularly buy, and there are bound to be plenty of things they don’t know about where your products come from.

Turn your photos and videos into Instagram Stories

With Instagram Stories, you can take advantage of your photos and videos to give them a new and attractive presentation. However, keep in mind that you can only use images you have taken in the last 24 hours.

Make a top 10 list

Internet users are overwhelmed with information, so they always appreciate it when someone takes the time to filter out the best of the best for them.

Use the skyscraper technique

Brian Dean of is the creator of a super-effective SEO technique: the skyscraper. The premise couldn’t be simpler: find the first post that appears on Google for the keyword you want to rank for, analyze why it is in the number one position, and use this information to create an even better article.

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