Customer purchasing behavior has changed significantly in recent years. Up to 90% of them search for information about their future supplier online! 75% of them also take into account information from social networks and! most importantly! 64% of the purchasing journey takes place in a digital environment.
The aforementioned data only proves what we probably all already know: the digital world is playing an increasingly important role in sales.
The one who adapts first wins.
In a competitive environment! the well-known rule chinese overseas america database applies: the one who can adapt and innovate faster wins.
Let’s take a look at the trends in the field that are currently driving the world of B2B sales and how to implement them into your strategies.
Digital Sales 2.0
1) Social Selling
Social Selling is a form of digital networking in which you use your personal profile on social networks to find and reach new clients.
We strive to capture customers’ attention by sharing content that will have high added value for them. This way! you gradually build your personal brand as a professional that people know and trust.
In organizations! we can also involve employees in communication in the same way and build a team of corporate brand ambassadors on social networks. Their activities support corporate communication and customers know who to turn to.
The key here is the involvement of marketing! which helps with the creation of interesting content and the evaluation of communication effectiveness.
You can automate part of the process by using applications such as Buffer or our Ready for Social . These applications allow you to prepare your posts! connect your social media profiles! and automatically share your content on a selected day and time. You also have the advantage of accessing statistics and quickly evaluating them.
2) Lead Generation
A company website shouldn’t just be a static showcase attracting clients for your business: 19 effective strategies for your products and services. Your customers need to learn about your solution before they’re ready to talk about it. We can make it easier for them by adding interesting content to your website in the form of articles! videos! infographics! or podcasts! sharing some of our know-how.
Our goal is not to sell right away! but to get a contact from the customer in the form of an email. We use various forms and pop-up windows to do this. Once we get an email! a whole range of options opens up for us to work with the customer in the digital environment in the long term.
3) Sales Automation
According to a Forrester study: one million salespeople will be lost in the US by the end of 2020. This trend is related to business process automation and the use of Smart CRM tools.
You can work with a customer from the moment they visit your website and! for example! sign up for a newsletter or download a case study.
2) Lead And Generation
Thanks to his email! you can use the Clearbit service to find a thailand data whole range of information and automatically save it to your CRM. This way! you can find out the full name! LinkedIn profile! Twitter profile! position in the company! phone number! etc. But that’s not all! in addition to information about the person! we also find information about the company – for example! the number of employees! turnover! location! industry! investments and trends. In this way! we are able to enrich an average of 60% of email addresses in the B2B world. This information will be used for the initial segmentation of incoming leads and potential customers.
2) Lead of Generation
To automate the sales process! we use the Salesforce platform! which allows us to segment customers in real time and then select the right business process. This may mean that customers with low turnover or startups are not addressed by the salesperson in the early stages and only targeted marketing communication is set up for them. On the other hand! if we have identified our main target group as part of segmentation! then the system can assign lead processing to a senior salesperson or even a sales director. Another perspective is automated assignment by location – a salesperson calls a potential customer directly from their region or city.