You don’t understand your needs

What to do: write down everything that brings you joy and makes you happy. Based on this list, make an action plan, put in some mental effort!

This continues the first point. Often people confuse wants and needs. Needs are things you can’t do without, for example, food is a need, but dinner at a Michelin star restaurant is a desire. Needs for love or recognition also can’t be satisfied with money.

What to do? Start by ranking your

values ​​by areas of life: relationships, career, personal growth, spirituality, health, etc. To do this, it is enough to track what/who you spend money, energy, and time on – these will be your values. Having defined your values, you can also determine your needs.

A frequently observed behavior in “difficult times” is saving on oneself. “Cutting back” includes personal care procedures, travel, and psychotherapy, as optional expenses that can be done without.

What to do? Saving on yourself is a strategic loss. If you have already resigned yourself to restrictions, “tightened your belts”, then the engineer database brain does not need to be inventive and look for new ways to return you to your previous level. Therefore, make every effort to live as before even during crises.

You don’t spend money on yourself
For example, when answering the question: “What specifically will change in your life if your standard of living increases 5 times?” you are not talking about yourself, but about other people: “I will buy a car for my son or a house for my parents,” then your true needs are not being met.

What to do? Learn your needs to focus more on your desires and needs, this is an excellent motivating factor.

You have a financial safety ne

It’s good if you have a “savings”, but subconsciously counting on the money you already have, it’s difficult to aero leads grow in your features that make rank math a great choice needs income. As noted earlier, you don’t have to make an effort to live better, because the current situation suits you.

What to do? Limit access to the airbag and determine your needs and desires.


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